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When Absolute Returns Are Not Absolute

Principle number one in alternative investment selection: look at the process, philosophy, point-of-view, and personnel first; look at the performance second. 

GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bill Murphy: Silver's Breaking Free at $30

Murphy notes gold's recent breakout and suggests that silver, despite being held back at $30 for four years, is poised for significant gains once it breaks through.

Economy Plunges into Stagflation with Both Feet

With inflation coming in hotter, the drop in spending growth means consumers are no longer holding up so well under the rising strains of inflation.

Failures of the Justice System and a Viable Solution

I’m so bearish on the prospects of the current world order. There are decades-long distortions in the economy that have to be liquidated. The whole legal system is rotten to the core.

Robust Chinese Gold Demand Expected to Continue Supporting the Market

Chinese investors are following the lead of their central bank, which has been gobbling up gold for 16 straight months, adding over 300 tons to its stash.

Nebraska Ends Income Taxes on Gold and Silver, Declares CBDCs Are Not Lawful Money

Sponsor Sen. Ben Hansen says, "Saving and using gold and silver is our right and one of the only checks and balances to our federal government's unending devaluation of our paper currency. ”

Demystifying Inflation: Insights from the Money Metals’ Midweek Memo with Mike Maharrey

As Maharrey succinctly put it, "When you print a whole bunch of money and throw a whole bunch of money into the're going to have a general rise in prices across the board."

How the Founding Fathers Predicted the Economic Problems of Today

The founders recognized the "evils" of paper money and they knew that if the U.S. went down the paper money path, it would cause all kinds of problems.

Stagflation Isn't Going Anywhere!

Slower growth might seem like the recipe for rate cuts, but the '70s that Dimon talks about show us that the Fed raises rates without mercy when in a stagflationary situation.

Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

Speaker Johnson allowed another $100 billion we don't have to be handed over to Ukraine, and pushed forward presidential power to shut down websites by labeling them “foreign adversary controlled.”

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